Crazy to sell my Nikon?

The Nikon is definitly have some use in my requirement. Mainly because i got 2 camera body which i hardly need to use the d700. I prefe the d3 for handling purpose. I shoot with more primes these days so i hardly use zoom anymore. The 70-200 get use more then the mid zoom like 28-70 f2.8. So is kinda make sense to sell the d700, 28-70 f2.8 and the rubbish lumix gf3 and 2 lens for the fuji.

The fuji is maiy use as backup and travel.

I think i will go for the used XT1 and the 35mm f1.4 first. Can always add a zoom if needed in the future.

First i will go to a shop and try the XT1 first. I prefer the xt1 then xt10 because it have iso knob etc. Evrrything is under control in the body.