Crufts and some randoms


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Hi everyone

Really enjoying looking at the posts in this forum. Inspiring stuff.

I just got a film scanner so I'll upload a few more, but here are a few from the last couple of weeks.






Critique and feedback welcome!

All Tri-X film with Leica M4P and Voigtlander 28mm lens. I developed them in Ilford ID11.

I like the shot of the old boy & his banana - he looks to be someone who would have a yorkie rather than a bull terrier (I think thats the breed); the Atrium, nice contrast between the shadow people & the sign; not sure about the rear of the dog, but I love the one of the camera & the grass/leaves. Nice set
nice set Ped, first ones a winner for me, what a character really well spotted.

Like the first one, think it captures the personality of both the man and the dog,,
Excellent shots! Tri X looks a film right up my street too!
I really like the first one - wonder if the BT likes bananas as much as my Dobermann does, if so he would have very wet trousers from the drool.

Atrium shot, not sure about the angle as it leaves so much black space in the top corner, ownerwise like it.

SBT shot - does nothing for me at all, not enough detail shown to see dog's expression as it looksup

I like the next one but have no idea what it is, nice sense of distance

Camera in woods, nice feel to it :)
Thanks guys.

The last shot is a sort of escalator that goes flat in the NEC. I rested the camera on the belt and took a long exposure.

The SBT shot isn't much cop because I was using a defective scanner; now I have my replacement I can upload the uncropped one. I just like the way that Staffies always look at the faces of people and react to the expression on your face. I liked the way this dog kept on looking at her owner because she was uncomfortable!
