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A few shots of a Curlew taken last week.





Great shots Lammie, i like to see a bit of action in bird photography. Excellent set.
Nice set. It's a real shame that #2 is a touch softer than #3 as the crab has its leg out but I'd have to plump for #3 as the pick of the set.
Thanks, Pete, Brian, Martin and Paul for your comments appreciate them. Pete, I thought it would struggle to down the crab but no problems for it at all.
Lovely shots Lammie, I just cannot get close enough to these guys to make a worthwhile shot, any tips would be gratefully received.
Thanks Donna. There were loads of them around the North Norfolk coast last week in the Tichwell/Hunstanton area. I took these shots at a place called Brancaster Staithe Harbour, just crouched down behind a small boat and waited for them to come close. Plenty of Turnstones as well walking around near your feet.
Thanks Donna. There were loads of them around the North Norfolk coast last week in the Tichwell/Hunstanton area. I took these shots at a place called Brancaster Staithe Harbour, just crouched down behind a small boat and waited for them to come close. Plenty of Turnstones as well walking around near your feet.

Hmm, yes I used to go to the North Norfolk coast when I lived in Essex so I know where you mean. I still need to find a place up here where there are birds and cover. Thanks for your time.
Some very nice shots there Don (y)

Looks like the 300mm with 1.4 TC has been sorted at last ?

Or have you been to specsavers :bonk:
Excellent shots. How difficult a bird is this to photograph? - I often hear it when I'm out for walks.
Thanks Ian and Brian. Wrong 300 Ian, I used the canon for these shots. I'll put some of the sigma 300 with the 2x later.
great shots (y)
I love to hear these birds in the countryside, not sure if they are in decline but in my locality I do no hear them as often as I used to.

Also a pleasure viewing this excellent sequence of shots, thanks for posting them.

Got to agree though I did not think that bird would be swallowing a huge crab like that, unless it was just after shedding it's shell so would be a so called "peeler" or "softback" as is known in the sea fishing world.
Thanks Anthony and Kaz. Kaz, look out for the Snow Buntings there were quite a few around last week on that coast, but they were a bit too far off for me to get any decent shots of them.