Critique Da Boyz...Fallow bucks

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Hmm, properly wild.........these guys are so taxing to get close too !!!!!!

Ok, we were really after the mad march hares, but, it wasn't going to happen. So back to hard core stalking mode. We tracked these two from a good way off (sure with some lovely ladies but I wanted these two),walked god knows how far to get the wind in our faces and cut back for them, even though they were now out of sight .The game plan all but worked,I wanted to be closer really ,but they are so damn sharp. So I took me chances at this distance and had to crop a bit. I'll hold me hands up as was found wanting. Shot is lying down mainly i've cropped from the bottom,. Guys, just so wonderful to be shooting at iso 500,what the hell is that all about:me and me new camera leastways, in my hands, have never been there,I only know dark . Today the sun shone, we grafted for this: sure I blew a couple of stalks first, but, eventually,I got something. All crit hugely welcome .

For me this was about trying to get close to a couple of lads who are so much sharper than I and just get a pic:an exmoor stag We have walked up to for comparison but these are something else. . Guys we spent alot of time on these today,it's wonderful actually watching the wild herd behaviour. How they react when they see walkers a couple of fields away,seeing then bunch up tight all but a circle of ears and eyes so chuffed to have something god know how the photographer fared you'll put me straight. I just had a blast with some of the most challenging deer I know. Sure a trip to a local country house would be probably easier togging wise,but not the same beastie at all

Things of note: right buck jaw not right, both bucks show the same antler pattern note the smaller left spur brothers maybe???

much fun and a pic iso 500 TV 1/1250 AV 6.3 focus point right lad's face canon 300 f2.8 plus 1.4ext processed in dpp4

_70F2286 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

Take care all cheers for the comments on my last post

Pity it's a crop already; might be better taking some off the top and nicer to have not got quite so low. Then again, it's still a nice shot considering the graft it took and the right lad looks kinda sympathetic ;)
Pity it's a crop already; might be better taking some off the top and nicer to have not got quite so low. Then again, it's still a nice shot considering the graft it took and the right lad looks kinda sympathetic ;)
Cheers Nick,some real good points,thanks buddy. I really wanted this full frame mate,wanted to get closer,. But it's so rare to see two boys together and as already stated so damn tough to get any where, near them,I took this option. Even then i'm sure they clocked the shutter so with hindsight it's all good. Nice to have got something Nick,hopefully i'll get another chance one day and be able to do better. Mate I'm really lucky to have them so close great fun and fascinating to watch Lovely light too ,it was actually so cool for me to just be taking pics in that light Nick with me newish camera, an education for me really all round.

Cheers for the reply mate

take care
