Daft Shutter question

Andrew cowman
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This may be a daft question! But I was just wondering which is the best position to leave the shutter whilst storing the camera?
My bessa r4m won't fire until the shutter is cocked so there doesn't appear to be a danger of double exposure. Cocked or un-cocked that is the question haha!
I'm with Mike, always leave mine uncocked... unless the winder is on, when it's automatically cocked!
I suppose that their might be exceptions, and I can't see anything in the Bessa manual about storage, but the manuals for the RZ67 and the Nikon F2 both specify storage with the shutter uncocked. So I'd go with the uncocked.
I was thinking uncooked but thought I'd better check with you fellows first.
Thanks very much chaps!
Much appreciated!
It really doesn't matter. Uncocked, the spring will still have 70% to 90% of its cocked pressure applied as it will certainly not go slack when the shutter is fired. Just a small part of its travel/pressure range will be used to keep it linear and repeatable.

Also, cameras such as Bronica, Mamiya and Hasselblad require that the shutter in a lens is cocked before removing and can only be mounted when cocked. Therefore, their default storage state is cocked.

Also, cameras such as Bronica, Mamiya and Hasselblad require that the shutter in a lens is cocked before removing and can only be mounted when cocked. Therefore, their default storage state is cocked.

Yeah, I store everything cocked.
I know nothing about Bronica or Hasselbland lenses but my Mamiya instruction book for the RB67 Pro SD gives instructions for releasing the shutter on lenses removed from the body. So that is what I do if I am not going to be using it for some while, of course you have to remember to cock the shutter again to mount the lens back on the body.
My RB67 lenses were always cocked when stored. They always worked when on the camera.

It really makes no difference. They are not going to run out of springy goodness if left cocked.

From the RZ67 instruction manual, p41

When not used for a long period of time remove the battery and
film from the camera and keep mirror and shutters in uncocked

I'd always assumed that they had a reason for saying this. The RB67 manual doesn't have this - or anything on storage as far as I know.
Think about the string on a bow firing an arrow. Even in the 'slack' position, there is still a lot of tension applied. If it actually went slack, it wouldn't have enough force to fire the arrow and it would just drop at the archer's feet.

A shutter spring is the same. It has tension all the way through its travel. If it went from tension to slack it would be unreliable and near impossible to be consistent in timing. Using just a small part of its range allows it to be a near continuous force.

From the RZ67 instruction manual, p41

When not used for a long period of time remove the battery and
film from the camera and keep mirror and shutters in uncocked

I'd always assumed that they had a reason for saying this. The RB67 manual doesn't have this - or anything on storage as far as I know.

h'mm well a quick look on my manual for the RB67 Pro-s does mention to uncock the lens when not in use...but just uses the word "advisable".
Guess it wasn't quite as daft a question as I thought haha
Again thanks very much for all your help folks