deaths head car mascot



i took this at the classic car show at woodstock

ime pleased with the result

I like it alot. Perhaps slightly too dark, but suits the focal point I guess :D
Great DOF... I like the way you shot it from the side, it seems more majestic that way
Nice! I wonder if that started life as a Humber Super Snipe? They had a rubbery beak which always seemed to get lost.
Nice! I wonder if that started life as a Humber Super Snipe? They had a rubbery beak which always seemed to get lost.

Sheesh, you're showing yer age! :D
My mates Dad had one and we went to the Scottish motor show in it. It was grey with red leather seats. I've never heard of one mentioned for years. There was something about 2 different models, the difference was one had twin headlights?
As Matt Sayle Googles 'Humber Super Snipe' :LOL:
LOL..Mine was Burgundy.... much like this one...


I think it was a 1958 model and I had it in the mid 70's - nearly bankrupt me, but I loved it. The original owner was a Kensington Palace Mews address where it was chauffer driven.

4139cc.. column gears.

A later more streamlined model had the twin headlights - a larger version of the Humber Hawk in appearance.
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Nice mascot, though in need of a scrub up :)

And that's a beautiful motor.
Yep ...this was the mascot... beak missing as usual.

That's the same one definitly, just with a decapitation modification.
dark is the night

yes i wanted it dark

the car was old and chopped sorry i dont know the make i found the bonnet badges reflected a past time

i took a few i like a lot
