Digital backs? Leaf/Phase one etc

Yeah, but but they are old and awkward to use. Most of the old ones have poor ISO noise, low resolution have to be tethered to a computer in order to capture a shot, so you would be much better off using a DSLR. Even a mid range DSLR with decent lenses would provide an image with better IQ and would be a lot less fiddly than an old digital medium format back. If you are going to get one, make sure it is an intergrated one so you don't have to drag a laptop and a load of cables around with you.
also, hearing stuff from the upper-circles of pros that I have.... well a friends dad!

Apparently leaf backs are utter ******! they break down quick and are cheaply made.

phase one are apparently a lot better and cheaper (in price).

i don't speak from personal experience though, just what others have said to me!