Displaying my images on the forum



I'm probably totally stupid or something, but I cannot find anywhere that explains how I can display my images on the forum. Can somebody explain, or point me in the right direction for some instructions please.
Thanks in advance.
First you need an account at www.photobucket.com. Alternatively the moderators here can set you up a free gallery. Either option is free.

Second, just upload your images to photobucket or your gallery (I think you get a free tool to do that - not sure).

Then just post the link to your pictures in the forum using {IMG}http://{/IMG} (replace {} with [] ).

Make sure to pay attention to the image guidelines - no bigger than 800px along the longest edge, and no more than 160k filesize. Otherwise there will be a moderator along to issue slapped wrists all round. :)
If you PM Matty (Admin) with a preferred password he'll set you up an Album in our Gallery here. Uploading to it is a doddle and pics are automatically resized.