Do you always use the full set of the extension tubes

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I recently bought a set of the kenko extension tubes AF to use with my canon Macro 100mm f2.8
I found that they are so difficult to use when i attach all three tubes. The focusing distance reduces dramatically i.e. i have to be much closer to the subject than when i am using the 100mm on its own.

When i was shooting with the lens on its own i was already struggling as the bugs/insects would fly away as soon as they saw me. Now the tubes demand that i am even closer to them so it makes it even more difficult.

I thought that if i use the full set (i.e. all 3 tubes) i will be getting the maximum magnification but it looks like maybe i am doing this wrong. How do you guys use the extension tubes, do you always use the full set or do you use one or two of the tubes? In what situation do you use all 3?
I do - see links to flickr and a set of 105mm - some are just 105, the rest are very close up all tubes - because I'm lazy lol

Manually set to lowest f# find the focus (wobble a bit) then turn to f8 or f 11 (4 or five clicks ish?). Use flash

Try on none moving objects such as flowers, stamp or something fairly small with details on.

Bugs and things only mind if you appear theatening or move too quick.

You could set up a flower with a tripod and await a visitor - or put some sugar water to tease them in...

Oh and take a pic at the normal 100 first so you can see how much closer you get!
ziggy©;3749034 said:
I recently bought a set of the kenko extension tubes AF to use with my canon Macro 100mm f2.8
I found that they are so difficult to use when i attach all three tubes. The focusing distance reduces dramatically i.e. i have to be much closer to the subject than when i am using the 100mm on its own.

When i was shooting with the lens on its own i was already struggling as the bugs/insects would fly away as soon as they saw me. Now the tubes demand that i am even closer to them so it makes it even more difficult.

I thought that if i use the full set (i.e. all 3 tubes) i will be getting the maximum magnification but it looks like maybe i am doing this wrong. How do you guys use the extension tubes, do you always use the full set or do you use one or two of the tubes? In what situation do you use all 3?

You've got the wrong end of the stick Tubes will not magnify the image they are doing what they should allow you to focus closer use only a couple or single you will find it a lot better
I do - see links to flickr and a set of 105mm - some are just 105, the rest are very close up all tubes - because I'm lazy lol

Manually set to lowest f# find the focus (wobble a bit) then turn to f8 or f 11 (4 or five clicks ish?). Use flash

Try on none moving objects such as flowers, stamp or something fairly small with details on.

Bugs and things only mind if you appear theatening or move too quick.

You could set up a flower with a tripod and await a visitor - or put some sugar water to tease them in...

Oh and take a pic at the normal 100 first so you can see how much closer you get!

Sugar water? I didnt know about that :)
Is there a way to increase the working distance even with the full set of tubes? I heard a teleconverter will increase the focal length of the lens but is this a good idea or should i avoid it?
ziggy©;3749860 said:
What is the benefit of focusing closer? I thought it was higher magnification.

the close you are the more you fill the frame with your subject, so in a way yes larger in your photo. if you get 1-1 with your lens, with tubes, it will be greater.
You will get maximum magnification with all tubes attached (and lens set at minimum focus distance) but you will get less working distance and less DOF. if you want more working distance you need a longer focal length lens. Really you need to master a lens a 1:1 before complicating things with tubes.