does anyon have the cajones? lol

No, I dont. :cautious:
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely:LOL:

A good post for April 1st, much better than most of the ideas on Strobist...
There is always one that will .....:nono: Dont forget the April fool :nuts:

Forgot about that,... :confused:

EDIT: I posted at 23:07 (Pacific time) does that count? Its only just turned April 1 here now 12:06.
Justin Phun's name is a bit of a giveaway :LOL: As you say HUN, looflirpa strikes again.
That's propa old school, I like that. :LOL:
Justin Phun... Joe Kingley... Primo Aprile... excellent!
huh its not april fool?
its actually an article on strobist?
