does anyone have an Panasonic Lumix DMC G1

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i currently have an FZ8 Bridge camera, i want to move back into an SLR and was wonder what they are like? I know that they are 3/4 the same as Leica and Olympus which doesn't matter to me. but does that mean you can use those lens with this camera? do they have the same mount? or would it have to me an adapter


They're not the same as Leica and Olympus. The G1 is micro four-thirds. You need an adapter to use the 4/3 Leica and Olympus lenses.

It's a good camera and well-regarded. It isn't technically correct to call it a DSLR (due to lack of mirror and pentaprism/pentamirror) but the features are comparable. The sensor is slightly smaller than the typical APS-C or DX format sensors used in other crop bodies, which does impact on noise a little at the high ISO end, but it's still worlds apart from a typical compact/bridge camera.

I did a lot of research on the G1 and nearly got one, but decided I'd wait for the GH1. That, unfortunately, seems to be getting rather mixed reviews and at the very least has some bugs to be ironed out by firmware updates.

In the end, the screaming hordes of Canon/Nikon users got me and I got a 450D. :)
In the end, the screaming hordes of Canon/Nikon users got me and I got a 450D. :)

how are you finding the 450D? i have been looking at the Canons and i really like them but im worried about the lack of image stablisation in the body, from what iv read they have the system in the indervidual lenses, but if you have a sigma or other third party lens then this feature is not present. do you find that you need a steady hand at all