Double collision more shots added

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Been trying something new, a double collision, also using my new colored filters.


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Wow, very impressive! Have tried water droplets but not managed any collisions yet. These are fantastic (y)
That's so awesome! A few people are experimenting with these double collisions now... I am jealous, lol :( Out of my league without electronics... maybe one day!

EDIT: Just looked at the first one more closely - double as in two flashes per exposure? Also very cool!
Thanks for the comments Marc & Claire

Hi Ash, I used multiple exposure on the D300 set to two exposures in one frame.
Lots of experimenting now going on.

Tis awesome! :) I experimented once or twice with the double flashes in one exposure. Check out these two from Corrie and Julian-Evil respectively... simply amazing! I think opaque liquids, dark backgrounds, and flashes from side-on work best for them.
I have seen both of these before but Corries stuff is amazing and ground breaking.
I can only aspire to get the quality they do.
What I would like to know is how they get a deeper DOF? Is it size of the lens used?

Agreed! Her stuff is amazing :)

And just use a smaller aperture? I use around 11-16, high as I can. Corrie uses similar to my knowledge. Plus the further you are away, specially with 100mm Macro lens that corrie uses (again I think) the more DOF you get. What are you using?
Ash I use a Sigma 105mm macro, I shoot at anywhere between f16 & f32 still no DOF,
on a 1.5 crop sensor (d300) or on my FF D3s

Oh... I am not sure then! When I am forced to use F/11 due to lighting the front and back of collisions are just starting to go out of focus, so I guess I get about 15-20mm DOF or so. But with F/16 everything's in focus :thinking:
Ash, what I forgot to say was about the distance from subject (drop) which could prove to be relevant to DOF. I shoot maybe 3" to 6" distance.

That could be it then... I tend to shoot more like 10" or a foot away I would guess, in Corrie's set up, HERE, she is like 18" away perhaps? That's with her 100mm Macro lens I believe.
Here are some more double collisions, A black Acrylic sheet was placed behind the tray of water, two flashes on the sides with either a blue filter or a red filter on, two flashes on the front corners with yellow filters on. I had to increase the power to 1/64 on the two side guns to allow more light onto the drop. Shot at f11 shutter on 1s and multiple exposure of two frames. They are not by any means very good but it is a starting point.


wow theyre awesome..... damn today I mastered collision and now hav to start for double collision hehe

well done