Down the canal

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Took delivery of a Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 today (rental only :crying: ) and decided to take a trip down the canal to try it out.

I also really need to start learning the names of local wildlife :)







Shooting manually and I am annoyed for not noticing I was shooting at ISO400 instead of 100 :bang:

First proper shots I've done like this, but C&C welcomed :)
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#1 is a swan, #2 is an LBJ, the rest are ducks. Hoe that helps ;)

Love them all, beautifully crisp and colour looks good! :clap:

LOL, I was expecting that :p

I know the ducks are Mallards and the Swan, I just need to brush up on the more common garden birds :p

And thanks, I was quite impressed with them myself.

Decided to drive to my mums as every time I go I am guaranteed to see a buzzard or two. Today, when I have a lens to shoot them, nothing :p
I have to say (sorry) that they don't look as sharp as I'd expect BUT also it looks like the focus has been missed on pretty much all of the shots so that could be the problem.

edit: oh and presumably the lens is F2.8, not F1.8?
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Yes, 2.8, just so used to typing 50mm 1.8 :)

Well, I've just checked in ViewNX and the focus points are all on the heads, number 3 has only part of the head in the focus zone.

Could it be that I sharpened in lightroom, exported as Jpeg and then resized in photoshop?
I was thinking more along the lines of:

1. John
2. Henry

Nice set, I always struggle with Swans :D
Alas, yes, summat you generally always have to do.