Ducati Supersport 750 and Evo VII

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First shot of a mate's bike whilst at work today, taken with the 28-70 2.8L and really pleased at how sharp it is. Click on the pics to get the original full size photos.

Ducati Supersport 750

Ducati and Evo VII

really like the bike mate .nice and sharp . i like the background aswell it makes the shot for me anyway .
not to keen on the 2nd but thats prob just me ..
First one's great (y)
#2 I would have prefered the Duke & Evo as 2 seperate images though

not too keen on the 2nd shot myself, it was just done quickly as it was cold and very windy whilst doing the pics and the Evo owner wouldn't get off his ass and wash it and then move it for us :( .

I will get better ones done and add them sometime this week. The photos were really only done as my mate wanted a photo of his new 'baby'.

Thanks for the comments,
