Durham City and Riverside

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Fuji C200 with Yashica FX-D .

Some pics from around Durham - also my official return to film after 20 odd years (if you don't count the old film I found in the camera that didn't come out).

1. Market Place



2. The Riverside






3. Silver Street

Looks like you had a good day out Jim, and some film shots too :D Great stuff, well done :D
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Thanks for the encouragement chaps. I have more stuff from the same film to post once I get them sorted and resized for posting.

It's a whole different experience from digital photography right from lining up the shot to waiting for the negs to come back from the lab and scanning them isn't it?
Yes, it's a different experience. I held off going digital but now I'm 100% digital and have been for years. I had a very brief return to film but it didn't last. I can definitely see the appeal. Good luck with it Jim :D

I think the memories that'll stay for me are the decades with my Kodak instamatic (my first camera and I still have it) and taking pictures at line dance and country and western gigs with my Nikon SLR. Happy days :D
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A nice set Jim ! Have you been shooting Digital for the past 20 years or have you just had a large gap in photography ?
Welcome back and a very good start. I especially like the third shot (tree avenue) Worth a revisit on a sunny day perhaps?

It's a whole different experience from digital photography right from lining up the shot to waiting for the negs to come back from the lab and scanning them isn't it?

Having a limited number of shots slows you down and try to make each one count. By the way, do you still look at the back of the camera to see how it came out?

My first 'electronic' camera was an FX-D, I loved it. Tempted to buy another (as long as SWMBO doesn't find out, says I got enough already) The next step was a Contax 139. My biggest mistake was selling it together with all the lenses
Having a limited number of shots slows you down and try to make each one count. By the way, do you still look at the back of the camera to see how it came out?

That can be a good and bad thing, I'm always conscious of that, and I probably cover more ground to find shots that are worth taking. Although, once I do start taking photos it's a rush and you do suddenly realise how limited you are.
@BADGER.BRAD I've not really done much apart from taking shots with my phone when the mood took me, and the usual holiday snaps & video. The only reason I got my new SLR was to replace my old tape-based camcorder which recently went belly up (I muck about making music videos for YouTube and I needed something for that); then I thought it was silly not to take advantage of the stills capability of the M50 and it all sprang from that.

While I really got a kick out of using film again, I won't be abandoning digital or anything - it's far too convenient and cheap, as well as the quality being amazing these days. Film is just too expensive.
Welcome back and a very good start. I especially like the third shot (tree avenue) Worth a revisit on a sunny day perhaps?

Having a limited number of shots slows you down and try to make each one count. By the way, do you still look at the back of the camera to see how it came out?

My first 'electronic' camera was an FX-D, I loved it. Tempted to buy another (as long as SWMBO doesn't find out, says I got enough already) The next step was a Contax 139. My biggest mistake was selling it together with all the lenses

Durham is one of our regular haunts, so it's inevitable I'll take more photos there (likely digital next time though).

I have to say I didn't inadvertently try to check the camera back even once - the whole process is too different to forget it's a film camera.