Ecnivs 52 Week (attempts)...

Hiya Vince,

Hope you are keeping well.

I've just popped past your thread for a quick catch up, but have to say I am getting a bit lost with all the placeholders and the ones I have commented on.

Is there any way you can give us an update as to what has been recently posted so I can keep updated on your progress.


Dawn :)
Yeah :)

In reverse order:

Work (and re-work)
Elaborate (extra pic)

Haven't done any others yet... lagging a bit in the creativity area. Will try a catch up soon.

Thanks for looking through tho


It would help us all if your latest post included a link to the image, it's a pain looking back through the thread to try and find the latest uploads.

Try the following (without the HTML code)

[Post=3967698]Week 34 - Work[/post]
Which should take you to the post for that image.

It looks like this withouth the HTML code
[Post=3967698]Week 34 - Work[/post]

Then change the number and text accordingly.
The post number can be found in the address line in your explorer menu when you click on the post number.

Hope it helps, it will help us navigate to the latest pictures!
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Hi Vince

your shot for it :clap: great texture in the nut , nice color conversion , great DOF...maybe a touch of gaussian blur going on ?
Hiya Vince,

I like your lateral thinking for Safe, did you use a soft focus effect in post processing? In a way it almost has a 3D effect ;) Would be interested to see what it looks like in colour.

Light (Wk47).... :thinking: I'm not as keen on this one .... mainly because it is so bright it makes my eyes hurt looking at it (sorry).

Light (Wk51) .... now this one I like. Perhaps a tad crop on the top and right would benefit. I love the light burst on the glass ... however there is a slight reflection on the lower part of the glass and few artefacts (I presume dust) which if cloned out would give the image a much crisper feel to it.

But well done, and look forward to see the missing weeks.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the best for 2012. It has been great having you on our team this year.


Dawn :)
Thanks Drodd
a soft focus effect in post processing? In a way it almost has a 3D e
Was a default setting in Luminance HDR package... Might be some sort of blurring/soft focus mixed in. :)

and few artefacts (I presume dust) w
Yeah I did wipe the glass but dust was back on it so fast...