Fake TILT / SHIFT from the top of Gloucester Cathedral...

Good attempts although #3 does not work. (The stadium spoils it)
Looks like a model town - how did you do these?
It's a graduated blur. My criticism is really that it's too obvious that it is a graduated blur and not macro miniature photography. 4 works well, as does 2 (although you've blurred the top of the church). 1 is OK but feels too heavy and 3 isn't enough.
Looks like a model town - how did you do these?

Increase contrast by about 24
Increase saturation by about 42
Duplicate layer
Lens Blur - radius was about 65 I think
Add a layer mask
Cylindrical graduated fill ( I think it's called that :wacky: in PS)
Keep reapplying the graduation until the effect looks good and then if necessary paint back in or out detail on the mask

can see why people like the effect, but its not for me sorry.......