favourite film scene


TPer Emeritus
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was thinking about this, not the whole film, but a scene from a film, what are your favs?

I think mine....hmmm...well any scene from Pulp Fiction at the moment, or perhaps the climactic battle between Anakin and Obi-wan in Starwars ep.III

no pRon films though eh Bod...:nuts:
Didn't think much of pulp fiction myself.

One of my favourite scenes is in 'The Matrix'.
The bit were they shoot up the lobby in the office block.

The opening scene in Blade.

The opening scene in Saving Private Ryan

And there's more.............
Loads and Loads. Most of them for various different reasons. A couple from 'The Eagle Has Landed' always make me laugh - Donald Sutherland getting into an Arado spotter plane to parachute into Ireland says to Michael Caine "Why don't you tell him yourself?" Meaning tell Hitler it's a bad idea, and Caine replies "You could fly to Berchtesgaden in that thing" only he pronounces it 'Burgess-garden'.
And another in the English village as Caine and his 2i/c (Sven-Bertill Taube)get into a car to drive off after meeting the US Rangers for the first time - Caine says to Sven sotto voce "Don't forget, don't drive too fast (and in unison) and on the left-hand side of the road!"
Maybe it loses a bit in translation.
The other one I like is the interview scene in Fargo between Bill Macy and Frances McDormand - brilliant performances from both. You just cringe at Bill Macy's worn-down sales rep.

I could go on, but you'll hate me forever...
The scene from Gladiator when Russell Crowe unmasks himself, the whole scene is shot superbly with an outstanding music score.

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Plenty of others I could list but this one stands out.
Pretty much any scene from Dumb and Dumber. I know it's not the most highbrow film but I do find it pant-wettingly silly. But then my favourite film is Airplane.

"We have to get this man to a hospital!"

"A hospital! What is it?"

"A big white building with doctors in it, but that's not important right now!"

Heh heh heh heh! :D :D
Well the one that springs to mind first, must be the hot weather I recon, is Sexy Beast, a film where Ben Kingsley shares the screen with Ray Winstone and their both playing old style London villains

Loads of good scenes if this film, but it starts with Ray tanning himself out on a hot Spanish patio, lying on a deckchair and gently cursing to himself repeatedly in pure bliss as the sun cooks him...

...for those that haven't seen it I wont tell you what happens next...but needles to say it makes a cracking scene. :D
hmm good thread...
Well i have loads; Jaws where they all show there scars; the resturant scene from Godfather; the whole last 10 minutes of Shawshank Redemption; The lobby scene from the Matrix!

Wouldnt it be great just to have a dvd with all your favourite scenes on them
Forbiddenbiker said:
Well the one that springs to mind first, must be the hot weather I recon, is Sexy Beast, a film where Ben Kingsley shares the screen with Ray Winstone and their both playing old style London villains

Loads of good scenes if this film, but it starts with Ray tanning himself out on a hot Spanish patio, lying on a deckchair and gently cursing to himself repeatedly in pure bliss as the sun cooks him...

...for those that haven't seen it I wont tell you what happens next...but needles to say it makes a cracking scene. :D

YEAH, thats a great scene in a great film(y)(y)(y)
The cossack charge across the frozen lake in Doctor Zhivago...
The appearance of Omar Sharif across the desert in Lawrence of Arabia
The Carlsberg scene in Ice Cold In Alex
Leonidas' speech in 300 Spartans - when told to surrender by the Persian King or face the consequenses - "our arrows will blot out the sun" - he replies "Excellent! Then we will fight in the shade!" Nails man, Nails.
omg airplane, airplane2, naked gun films...could go on for hours with those!
Humphrey Bogart and Claude Rains standing in the rain watching ingrid bergmans plane take off, "Luie this could be the start of a beautiful friendship"

Or the Marseillaise scene in Ricks bar.

/edit from Casablanca in case you hadn't guessed.
Yes yes yes!
I still have tears running down my face at the Marseillais scene...
(and did at Thiepval Memorial last saturday when the French Army band played it as well...)
Too many films to mention. The whole of Pulp Fiction is a masterpiece from the casting to the script. Tarantino will never make a better film.

'Jaws' is looking a bit dated now but the scene on the boat where they're all drinking and Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss are comparing scars. The sheriff - Roy Scheider - lifts his shirt, looks at his appendix scar, but decides not to mention it. The claustrophobic atmosphere in the cabin is very compelling every time I see it.

Originally the scene wasn't going well, and at Shaw's suggestion Speilberg waited till the three had downed a bottle of scotch and they shot the scene in one take. :LOL:
oh well a scene that springs to mind is from 'Oh Brother, Where Art Thou' when the three escapees stumble across some lovelies washing their smalls in the river, all wet and stuff...the next morning one of the men has disappeared leaving just his clothes behind perfectly laid out as if he has just left his body but it is pulsating about the position of his heart and then a toad jumps out, one of the others sees this sight and says 'oh no! they've loved him up and turned him into a horny toad'....has to be one of the best soundtracks I've ever listened to aswell!
Hmm, final scene in 7 Deadly sins where the guy looks in the box.
An awful lot of the scenes in Top Gun, surely one of the finest corniest comedies ever made;
the scene in Cuckoos nest where Jack Nicholson is pretending to be doolalley;
russian roulette scene in The Deerhunter;
the rubber doll scene in Airplane when the expression changes :LOL:
The bit upto and including where Kelly LeBrock appears in Weird Science

Omar Shariff appearing in Lawrence of Arabia

All of Star Wars except any scenes with Jar Jar Binks in
the Deerhunter is excellent, loved the Revels ad skit of that

The Green Mile, when John Coffey is electricuted

Deliverence...pick a scene!
how about that scene in Witness when Harrison Ford dances with Kelly Mcgillis....oooh, a bit sexy!
Hmm. the scene where the Boy spots the photo of Danny Glover and Ford hides his hand to disguise it from others in the squad room. No dialogue.
The final fight scene between Wes Studi and the younger son on the cliff-top in Last of the Mohecans, followed by the look on his face (incomprehending) as Jodhi May steps off the cliff as well. And the music as grand as well...
The Pairs Fire-and-Manouever scene in Heat - we all stood with mouths agape as they carried out the correct drills, reloading under cover and moving under covering fire (an LAPD chief stated after seeing the film, that faced with a similar situation his men would be annihilated as they're not trained as infantrymen). Tech Advisor SAS bloke Andy McNab took the actors into the desert for a week and taught them the drills using live ammunition.
Almost any scene from Kubrick's Dr Strangelove... But mostly the Peter Sellers scene with his hand doing the Nazi salute.
The helicopter assault in Apocalypse Now...
The French Plantation scene in the REDUX version - the best-lit scene I've ever watched; watch Martin Sheen's face as the sunset blinds him.
The ending of either Matrix 2 or 3 where there in the city block surrounded my hundreds of Mr Smiths, the camera shots are great on that bit of filming :)
The final fight scene in 'crouching tiger' Sheer brilliance.

The scene in 'True romance' Where Alabama gets the **** kicked out of her. Really brutal and deeply disturbing.

On a Tarantino note, the scene where christopher Walken Tells young butch about the pocket watch.

Most of 'Team America' Cos it's hilarious and true!

Usual obvious bits from spartacus, great escape etc.

The catholics in Monty Pythons Meaning of Life and the scene with the Discussion about how a farcical aquatic ceremony is no mandate for power' in the Holy Grail.

I could go on.
Gandhi said:
The scene in 'True romance' Where Alabama gets the **** kicked out of her. Really brutal and deeply disturbing.
Yes! And in the same film Dennis Hopper's brilliant cameo role, and Walken's even briefer one. Their scene was tremendous.
Harold Shand (Bob Hoskins) coming through the airport in The Long Good Friday.
Any scene from Blade Runner but I particularly like the one where the andoid woman gets shot & in slow-mo is hurling herself through plate glass windows in thigh boots & a see-through mac. Obviously where Rutger Haur utters the words 'Time to die'.

Tonight, probably because Im struggling to breathe myself, I keep picturing Rebecca De Mornay in the scene from 'The Hand That Rocks the Cradle', the one where the wife if gasping for her inhaler and DeMornay is watching and says with a smile 'When push comes to shove ... you cant even breathe'
jewel said:
Heh I love that one too Sammy, gotta love the bathroom scene!:LOL: Very silly indeed! :D


My best bit is the entrance to the charity ball where they are fighting with their canes in their powder blue and orange tuxs! One stops fighting and the other takes a run up and puts the cane through the back of his legs. Ah ahhahahahahha! :D

Oh, and Uncle Buck is pretty brilliant too:

"Holy smokes! He's cookin' our garbage!"

I'd go for The Green Mile, when Coffey is executed too. Also the flashbacks to when he found the girls....very moving.

Also Saving Private Ryan near the end, when the Germans are approaching, and theyre readying themselves, and it all goes quiet except for the squeaking of the tank....When it almost goes past the end and stops, you can feel the tension, and whenever I watch it, I feel like I'm sat there hiding from the Germans, my heart skips a beat....good stuff (y)
SammyC said:
Oh, and Uncle Buck is pretty brilliant too:

"Holy smokes! He's cookin' our garbage!"



OMG! I love Uncle Buck. I'm a huge John Candy fan, god rest his soul.

My favourite bit in that movie was when the Miles(Culkin) gives Uncle Buck the third degree and asks him a million and one questions,lol.

Also when he has the kids in the car, ready to go to the racetrack. Then he looks in his rear view mirror and it hits em what he is doing! Sad moment really,:(

Planes, trains and automobiles rocked too IMO, :LOL:

Miles: Where do you live?
Buck: In the city.
Miles: You have a house?
Buck: Apartment.
Miles: Own or rent?
Buck: Rent.
Miles: What do you do for a living?
Buck: Lots of things.
Miles: Where's your office?
Buck: I don't have one.
Miles: How come?
Buck: I don't need one.
Miles: Where's your wife?
Buck: Don't have one.
Miles: How come?
Buck: It's a long story.
Miles: You have kids?
Buck: No I don't.
Miles: How come?
Buck: It's an even longer story.
Miles: Are you my Dad's brother?
Buck: What's your record for consecutive questions asked?
Miles: 38.
Buck: I'm your Dad's brother alright.
Miles: You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad.
Buck: How nice of you to notice.
Miles: I'm a kid - that's my job.
Mostly Monty Python stuff...

"Brave Sir Knights, what do you want..."
"We want a shrubbery"


"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. No go away, else I shall taunt you a second time"

from Monthy Python Holy Grail...

The bit from Life Of Brian where he's stood at his window telling the crowd gathered below to disperse, saying "You are all individuals"... (at which a lone voice pipes up "I'm not...")

"Welease Wudolph The Wed Nose Weindeer"... Classic stuff.


Also the concert scene from the Blues Brothers
"He's NOT the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"
Marianne said:
oh well a scene that springs to mind is from 'Oh Brother, Where Art Thou' when the three escapees stumble across some lovelies washing their smalls in the river, all wet and stuff...the next morning one of the men has disappeared leaving just his clothes behind perfectly laid out as if he has just left his body but it is pulsating about the position of his heart and then a toad jumps out, one of the others sees this sight and says 'oh no! they've loved him up and turned him into a horny toad'....has to be one of the best soundtracks I've ever listened to aswell!

Yeah that is good scene, the first surprise in a top film, great sound rack too...I do like the scene at the end also when there about to be hung when the water starts to trickle beneath their feet....etc.