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i am not sure about this one!! i was out tonight taking one of my lads to cubs and took this, and a few more which i am not sure about:) c/c most welcome
Canon 400D
ISO 100
18MM taken on a standard 18-55mm kit lens

Hmmm, I'm not too sure either. I can't quite tell what's bothering be about it..... I think it might be that you've exposed for the sky, and the foreground it a bit dark. That could probably be improved in photoshop or similar though. The foreground is also a bit empty, some of the really nice field shots I've seen usually have a hay bale much closer to the camera to have a focal point. Good attempt though, get back there and have another go before the bales are taken away!

Neil they look flat to me, plus they both havent got any forground interest as said by Chris.

Try getting up closer to a bail and find a lead from there through the picture
Hi, Neil...welcome. Regardless of foreground content I think the sky is of interest, but since it is well exposed the foreground is a bit under exposed. Still...a nice scene so evocative of late summer/early fall.

Since you allow edits...I blended elements of both your photos...and tweaked a couple of things...just to show in general how things might look. (If you don't like it, I'll remove it.)

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ND Grads are very useful for balancing the exposure ie. if you meter for the sky, then the camera will under expose the foreground etc. etc.

As for as foreground interest, as has been said before, try and get a hay bale in the foreground and see if there are any lines in the cut straw that'll lead the eye into the image