Fifty years on

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Looking back through old photos to wind up godson on his 50th birthday, found this - taken on my Zeiss Nettar on I should think Ilford FP3, developed in Microphen and then into the self built enlarger and would have been printed on Ilford paper - Still looks good from this scam of the print - sadly negs not found. Still have the Nettar, but moved to 35mm SLR soon after and a few years on went back to 120 film on my Rolei TLR, again which I still have.
Nice film shot, a moment preserved for ever!
Great shot
Those were the days of the "Western" meter and estimated distance for focus. Only 12 exposures, not room for thousands on a 32Gig card!
Yeah and the photographer had to get it right first time. No being able to "chimp" back then.