film camera and eyesight...

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on my digital camera I can turn a knob so I can see clearly through my viewfinder but on the film one I can hardly see when I look through it seems so blurry. I'm developing the film this evening so will be able to tell if my guesstimates of when I'm in focus is working but if its not that is a roll of film wasted. Is there anything I can do to help? I don't wear glasses and despite complaining of poor vision sometimes optician says my vision is 20:20 lol. Anyways thanks if you can help!!
erm I would say you do need specs in spite of what the oppo says. I can't use a view finder without my glasses but when I do wear them I can focus manually as accurately as the autofocus. If you need to turn the knob on the digi camera then it proves your eyes are not 100%. My advice - get a new optician :)
I'm inclined to agree with you tbh! Will book another eyetest asap. Thanks.
Ahhh, it's not as simple as that. I have 20/20 vision, in fact when I had my last eye test I could see further down the chart than the optician who was standing twice as near to it...... BUT I can't see a thing through a viewfinder without a ton of minus adjustment dialed in.

I now have glasses with a small positive prescription. I'm still trying to get my head around how a + lens will help remove the need for - adjustment on the camera. The story goes that the - on the camera stimulates accommodation (techy term) in the muscles that control focusing. Using the + glasses will supposedly reduce the need to for this and allow me to look through the camera without the need for the minus adjustment.

Does it work?

Well, to tell the truth, I don't really know. I find that I can't see as well with the glasses on, especially at night and in low light so I don't wear them too often. Except when my daughter tells me off.

So..... In short, yes go to the optician again but it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with your vision, as such.
soo confusing! Will go speak to someone because its hindering my photography so need some sort of adaptation. Time before last I saw an optician different to normal who said my eye sight was a bit off but that when they tried those geeky lens glasses on me it made no difference. Maybe I need a referal to a optometrist for more specific tests.
The point might be that you don't need specs for day to day living if your eyesight is pretty much spot on. But it doesn't mean your sight couldn't be improved by enough of a margin to help with the view finder. There is a tollerance the ops work within and they won't all recommend a prescription if your sight is within the acceptable margin - but the margin might be enough to cause you problems.

Why don't you take your film camera into specsavers and try a few off-the-shelf specs with weak lenses to see if it helps.