First attempt at Bird shots

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Hi all,

Nice to meet all of you bird lovers, I've found recently that I too have a love for birds when out and about with my camera. I hope I will be able to explore more in the wild at some point.

Here are a few shots from the other day at Sale Water Park, local to me.

Any C&C welcome, especially advice on how to improve. Also, I don't know many names of birds except for the obvious swan, so if anyone can provide the name, will be greatly appreciated.


1. This guy has a very tough look.....wouldn't wanna mess with him!




3. Lovely swan, unfortunately weather and lighting was not so good on this day.......




5. He came right up to my feet, so I just had to get a close up!


6. The lovely couple.

6. I like this one, caught the little guy getting ready to jump.


7. Thought this duck had very nice colour


8. Bit different, thought this was quite cool because the one under the bench looks like he's eyeing me up ;)


9. Finally, this one was taken on a different much brighter day, I like the colour of the water.

Hi Allen and welcome (y) A nice little set for starters there, the first two are Muscovy Ducks and the ones in #9 are Canadian Geese. You got a nice low down point of view with #8 which is good, you can post images up to 800 on the longest side which is always better for viewing as well. Look forward to some more from you soon :)

Thanks for your reply and comments Rich, and for the names of the birds. Happy to join the birds club! I hope I can capture some birds in flight at some point.

I hope I can capture some birds in flight at some point.

Not as easy as some make it look, but a rewarding challenge when you get it right.

Nice set of shots for your first attempts, as Rich said they would be better posted at 800 pixels (longest edge) so that we may better appreciate them (y)

The last one of the Canada Geese (not Canadian Rich) looks nice and crisp, helped by having a nice blue sky.
very good
I think there very good
oops posted twice ...
Hi and welcome Allen. Nice set of pictures to start with, well done. I agree with the 800 size, it displays your work much better. Am looking forward to seeing some more from you (y)
The last one of the Canada Geese (not Canadian Rich)
Thanks for that Rich, sorry, I meant Martyn :)
I have to agree with Martyn that its not as easy as experienced togs make it look, there is a lot to be learned.
But you have made a good start with these images. so just carry on enjoying your photography, and picking up hints and tips along the way.

Thanks for all the responses guys! Much appreciated support, I've got a lot to learn but really enjoying the photography and this forum. I'm sure birds in flight are a lot harder than it looks, but still eager to have a go at it :D

Regarding the Darth Maul comment, that's exactly what my friend said when I showed him hahaha! :LOL:

Next time I'll try to make the images larger, but I link img to flickr, which don't seem to have a 800x600 image size setting......I will try to find a way around it.