First fingers of dawn


TPer Emeritus
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Having never tried landscape photography I thought I'd give it a go and bought myself a graduated filter yesterday. When I got up at silly o'clock this morning for work it was beautiful out so I took the camera and shot this on the way in, not much editing as I'm at work.

Shooting into the sun was difficult and I would appreciate any comments and critique.


It's just about perfect mate. I'd have liked to see the sun maybe slightly further into the frame but that would have messed up the rest of it.
Ditto Dods mate but otherwise I think it is spot on ! A beautiful capture ... makes it worth getting up to go to work eh ? Oh I wish ... but that's another story.

Where in Herts is this Hacker ? TFS ...
Thanks for the comments, as I said this was my first attempt at this type of photography so I quite pleased with the outcome, I've got some more and I'll work on them when I get home later.

V, this is Latchford fly fishing lake about a mile south of Standon and Puckeridge which is on the A10/A120 junction, sort of between Hertford and Bishops Stortford.

Whereabouts are you?
Yes, thanks I know where Puckeridge/Standon are Hacker ! Looks a beautiful spot though not managed to find this one ... yet !

I'm in Sawbo - so not so far from there !
Very nice. I miss all of the early morning stuff now I'm no longer getting up at rude o'clock to do baking!

Was this fairly high ISO? There seems to be quite a bit of noise in the shot?
No, the ISO was 200, I agree there is some noise but I'm not sure where it's coming from. I've just started shooting in RAW and trying to get to grips with the workflow and it's causing major headaches, but that is for another thread!

**Edited to add**
Just noticed the ISO was at 500. Doh!
Just downloaded Rawshooter Essentials (thanks Ghandi (y) ) and what a difference that makes, much easier to use than the Adobe interface. Here's the image again this time done in Rawshooter along with another taken at the same time.


such a beautiful sunrise....looks like you are getting to grips with the raw stuff now....I use NIkon Capture to edit my RAW files but I sort of inherited it when Barry(Chuckles) and I moved in together...he's got some cracking lenses too lol