First go @ a Bee

Lindsay Simpson
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Was in the garden today and had a quick go at the new spring flowers I saw a couple of bees so had a crack at them, thoughts welcome :)



Great first try. How close were you to the bee when you took it??
To maximize DOF when shooting closeup & Macro you need to have a smaller aperture - try around F10 - F16, and when shooting bugs try to get the focus on the eyes.
Your best bee shot is the first. The trouble with both your bee shots is the DOF. It's just too shallow for the large subject. You really need in the first to get the eyes as well as the tongue in focus.

Like the flower shot. That works well with the shallow DOF.
Thanks for the advice guys, I was shooting on aperture priority at F2.8. I did enjoy trying to catch the bee but it's not easy it gives a new level of respect for the guys that do macro.
Thanks for the advice guys, I was shooting on aperture priority at F2.8. I did enjoy trying to catch the bee but it's not easy it gives a new level of respect for the guys that do macro.

I really like the smoothness and colour of the background the Sigma gives but f2.8 just isn't enough to keep everything you want in focus as has been said above. Even at f16 there won't be much in focus and the shutter speed drops or you have to up the ISO so it's all a trade off.

I took at lot of pictures with my macro lens before I even got the bee in them, the little blighters just won't stay still.

I've not seen any bees this year yet and I agree about respect due to the guys who get all the great shots where everything is in focus. Practice makes perfect so I'll be out again as soon as I see a bee.