First Macro....Angel

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Just treated myself to a macro lens. Sigma 105mm 2.8 from Jo (y)

Not had a lot of time to play with it and after a disastrous attempt at hand held shots of shreddies and crunchy nut cornflakes :LOL: here is an angel hanging on my christmas tree, straight from camera but using a tripod this time

The slightest movement sent her spinning like a top....I'm not finding this type of photography easy at all. Blimmin frustrating:thinking: If any of you macro lovers can gimme some guidance that would be very much apreciated :)
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I like that. It's tricky isn't it. I haven't sorted it all out myself, but I've found the DOF at the working distances involved is painfully short even with small apertures (f32...), the EXIF is showing as f2.8, so that's going to make it all that much harder getting the resulting image. I've also read somewhere, that the best thing is to set the focus on the lens, then move the camera to achieve the focus you want. A combination of this, and where possible, moving the subject seems to be working quite well for me.
Looks good on my wee phone screen too....just keep practicing and you'll get more confident :) The sharp bits look sharp, it's well exposed and there's a nice clean backround that doesn't distract...a very good firt macro (y)

One thing to bear in mind is that at macro magnifications DoF is half in front of the point of focus and half behind...or as near as makes no difference, I find. If shooting well stopped down focus part way into your subject to make use of all available DoF.

For example on my macro lenses f/32 at 1:1 gets me just over 2mm DoF so I should focus about 1mm into the subject to make use of the DoF that is in front of the point of focus.
Thank you jgs001 and daft biker (y)

Anyway...have gone back and just redone using f22
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Crazy hair on that thing, congrats on your new lens. and remember, macro is fun. ;)
Youre just too funny today heppers.....:nono:

anyway...I cant see your halo :)