First photos posted - comments/criticisms very welcome!

The first will make a nice shot, for me the tower leaning puts me off, it might be worth squaring it up and seeing how it looks.

I know, that frustrated me too. Unfortunately if I straighten up the Tiffany tower I think the building behind & horizon leans too much, and if I go the other way the Tiffany tower just looks odd. I might have a bit more of a play though and see what I can do.

I'm going to Oslo next week so i might head over to the opera!

Yes definitely do, and make sure you take your camera. I could have spent days there photographing it inside and out, it's an incredible building.

Thanks for the kind words and critiques guys (y)
I know, that frustrated me too. Unfortunately if I straighten up the Tiffany tower I think the building behind & horizon leans too much, and if I go the other way the Tiffany tower just looks odd. I might have a bit more of a play though and see what I can do.

I had this recently with a shot which had a really defined horizon (the sea) which had to be level, and a lighthouse which was slanted.

In CS4 I cut the lighthouse out, filled the gap it left with cloudy sky, created a new layer with the lighthouse and then skewed the lighthouse till it was square, this is the shot

The Old Lighthouse at Spurn Point by mark_mullen, on Flickr

It might be worth trying a similar approach.
I'm also not so keen on the first one but the second one I really like :)
For the first one I think I don't like it as much because of the location and the colours but that's just me :/
Overall, well done, especially with the lovely reflection on the second one :) (y)
In CS4 I cut the lighthouse out, filled the gap it left with cloudy sky, created a new layer with the lighthouse and then skewed the lighthouse till it was square
It might be worth trying a similar approach.

That's great, I hadn't thought of cutting and straightening, hopefully Aperture 3 allows for a similar technique. I'll let you know if I manage to get it straightened successfully. Thanks :)
I'm also not so keen on the first one but the second one I really like :)
For the first one I think I don't like it as much because of the location and the colours but that's just me :/
Overall, well done, especially with the lovely reflection on the second one :) (y)

Thanks Michael, glad you like the 2nd. I can understand what you say about the colours in the first, they certainly wouldn't be for everyone.

By location do you mean where the camera is positioned or the scene in general?
