first portrait attempt

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a couple of pics from my first serious attempt at portraits


more a chance to try and see if the post will work or not as my first seems to have went awry somewhere! but c&c welcome and thanks for looking
Not bad for a first attampt, in the second shot It may have worked a bit better had you kept the top of the models head in shot chin down a touch more and direct eye contact.
images still not showing?
i can see them. can no one else?
thanks for the feedbak gary. understand what you are saying and will keep that in mind.
I can see them :)
no, the page takes an age to load then i get 2 red X
they appear instantly for me Matty :shrug:
Images show for me, it must be your wind up connection Matty.
nup, not downloading for me, ive cleared cookies too..
Fed the hamster and re-attached the drive belt? They're showing up for me no probs.
Sorry, Panda! My impression of the first shot is that the crop is too tight - the pic 'feels' cramped to me. The light also looks a little direct. It might be better if it was done from the side as well. Just my 2p worth.

Agreeing with Gary about the eye contact in the 2nd pic - the smile doesn't seem to match the look in her eyes - not like in the first pic.
I will agree with Chris and Danny, which are composition issues that can easily be improved with a little practice (and now that we are digital more more shots). There is a good diagonal in #2 where the necklace follows the angle of head.

The lighting of the background in #2 is distracting. I am not sure what lighting was used but it appears to be "hot". There is also a shadow that does not benefit the picture so should be removed.

Good first attempts and if the model is handy (i.e. a relation) I would be asking her to pose again so you can work from a known point.
thanks for all that. a lot of good points there that i would not have picked up on.
the model is my wife and the lighting is portaflash continous lights "borrowed" from a project in work and set up at home so you can guess what we will be doing one weekend soon.