
Daniel Radcliffe
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Not sure if this should be here or the general forums.

Can anyone explain to me what peoples fascination with the fiisheye lenses are?

OK, they may be really wide angles, but they distort everything and I just dont get why people like them.

Can anyone explain it to me?
Because not everyone has the same tastes as you
I wouldn't say I'm fascinated by them, and recently have even been correcting distortion in photoshop. But I do love the effect when used well. It's like anything creative/arty - done right and it's great, but done badly or overused, and you end up with a right pile of poo!
Iv seen some good shots created with a fisheye lens I think by Cherryrig on here, and these suit the skateboarding style shots well imo. For other things e.g landscapes I am not keen on them at all. I think some people are just fascinated with the wideness of it.
Because if everyone was the same, and did the same things, nothing would ever evolve.

Fisheye lenses can produce some fantastic results when used correctly.

Another example: Why do you have a 150-500?
I think they're rubbish, they zoom right in, they don't give you an idea of the whole picture, it's too big to carry around, the maximum aperture is rubbish, etc etc.
Get my point ;)
I like the effect. Not so good on a monitor, shrunk to fit and reduced in resolution, but an A3 print of a GOOD fisheye image is fabulous!
I saw a great fisheye image from the Olympics when it was raining on the volleyball courts.

I think a fisheye helps capture the surroundings well, like an ultra wide angle.
A fisheye lens allows for creativity and shots that other optics cannot match. May or may not fit your taste, style, or goals. Thank goodness there's lots of room for all of us. The first pic below is a combo of a fisheye sky and a 400mm telephoto of the vulture. The second shot was taken with a 10.5mm Nikon fisheye. Quite different from one another, but I rather like them both...of course I would, since I took them. :LOL: The point, of course, is neither shot is possible without the fisheye effect.


Iv seen some good shots created with a fisheye lens I think by Cherryrig on here, and these suit the skateboarding style shots well imo. For other things e.g landscapes I am not keen on them at all. I think some people are just fascinated with the wideness of it.

I do have a fisheye :D:D

Yea I use mine for skateboarding as devitt said (thanks for holla :) )

So skateboarding and fisheye's pay a big part within skateboarding and any extreme sport

Another use of a fisheye -

Depends what your thinking of using them for really, a lot of money for something your not sure on;)
I personally don't much care for a lot of fisheye shots but I have seen some which are good. I would find it difficult to justify that much of an outlay for a new lens based on those shots though.

BUT I am sure there are others that really like them