Flickr Uploads - IPTC Data - Adobe Bridge Advice Needed

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I have been tagging my RAW images in Adobe Bridge. When I create a jpg from the RAW image, the tags etc are saved to the jpg in IPTC format. Ive opened the jpg in CS3 to make sure.... and the tags are definately there.

When I upload the jpg to Flickr, it strips out the tags and leaves none. I have no idea why. I have tried the V3 Uploadr, and I have also done a manual upload from within Flickr - both had the same result.....

Can anyone offer any advice on how I can get my tags uploaded as I dont fancy typin them all twice.

Update - I have an identical setup at work.... test it today and it uploaded my tags no problem..... :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Got a couple of things to try out when i get back home and I will post my findings.
OK heres how it went:

Photo1 - Photo is a jpg, no original tags, I added tags in Adobe Bridge. These appeared to be written directly to the file. Opening in PS confirmed this. Once uploaded to Flickr no tags or info was uploaded.

Photo2 - Same photo. But the image was opened and 'save as' basically making a carbon copy of the photo. Once uploaded to Flickr all tags and description were successfully uploaded.

So i guess I will need to duplicate everything to get the tags uploaded.

If anyone can offer any pointers, they would be appreciated.