

Edit My Images
Flower pics taken from inside my house...

Fake flowers...


Real flowers..


Advice thoughts and comments please :D
If these were taken with a digital camera, i am assuming they are. Then i am wondering why you felt you needed to keep the date on the front of the image. Thats my first comment, remove the date from showing on the front of the image. All the information should be stored in the exif file, (this stores, date, time, shutterspeed etc.) which means you still have this info even if its not on the main image.

Real flowers are so much more vibrant than fake flowers and your images show this well. The fake ones are washed out yet the real ones remain vibrant. Maybe you should try and light the fake ones the same way to see if you can improve their colour. Unless they have faded with the sun, in which case just add a wee bit of saturation in a photographic editing programme.
The camera is a kodak z740 and the pictures were taken on the automatic setting-i'm not that confident to go into manual settings just yet...

The date stamp you mentioned is a habit that i've got into-I take numerous pictures of the same cars over time and having the date on view makes it easier for me to put them in order.I will take it off in future... :D