Friday, and you know its going to be one of those days.....


TPer Emerita
Yvonne, pronounced Eve...
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.....when you arrive at work nice and early to avoid the London traffic, only to find a customer already on your doorstep. Now in fairness he had just dropped his keys through the door, but of course he had to then tell me all about his car, repeating the conversation I had with him a week ago when he booked it in :bonk:

hey ho, finally send him on his way to the tube station, get indoors and head off to make coffee and apply the warpaint I didn't get up early enough to do before I left. Usual stuff, bit of base, quick sweep of eyeshadow, lippy, reach for the mascara....its not there....tip out contents of incredibly large handbag, including the sink and nope, no mascara :bang: So now I look sillier than I did without the slap in the first place, trundle off to bathroom to remove it all again :shake:

Now this might seem silly, but in my world, these silly events can only mean one thing, its gonna be One of Those Days

Sorry, I will shut up now, sat on my own in my office and just wanted to moan about the impending doom :nuts:
Know what you mean, hate it when you leave your mascara at home :(

I know it's going to be one of those days, got a pounding headache, feel like I slept in the arctic wilderness for an hour and just want to be curled up at home. Oh well, only 7 hours and 50 minutes to go ...
Cheers :)

Think I'll pop them down and hide under my desk for a couple of hours kip. I have one of my team who sleeps under her desk all day, makes me wish I had the life of a guide dog ;)
You're in London!!!! There will be a shop selling mascara on the next corner :LOL:
Yvonne....why not go for a hijab, it'll save you 10 minutes every morning.

Well just to brighten all your days up i will share with u the fact that i have finished work for day:woot: :razz:
toothie, you dentists are PAID TOO MUCH! :LOL:
Well I'm on a half day now so will be heading home for some R&R in 1 hour and 7 minutes :)
I'm sure you did'nt need the makeup anyway LL, you'd still look good without it. ...I'll get that fiver later. :LOL::D
well I've spent the morning doing sweet fa !

My eye make up is stunning though :D
Yaawwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn mornin peeps :p
My day has only just started... it's 7.25am here in Vancouver. I'm about to do my daily 45 min walk to uni (have never had so much exercise) where I then have mock clinical exams. I wish my only worry today was not having mascara :LOL:
was seeing my sulky mug in the people section not enough to put that thought out of your mind :eek:
Well I love Fridays..and Thursdays...cos theyre my days off. Weekends start early for me :woot:
So LL was it one of those days or did it improve:shrug:
:crying: It got no better, it got busier with lots of silly things happening, then I finally got home and got to bed, only to be woken about an hour and a half ago by the dogs going beserk. Funny noises from outside indicated fox action - trouble is the 'action' was with our beloved cat who must have sneaked out when we were getting the dogs in before bed. I managed to run out and chase it off, but too late, so, no, the day never really got any better, feeling a bit **** right now and needless to say, wide awake. :shake:
I hate it when I leave my mascara at home :(
OMG! Is the cat OK LL?

Sadly no HUN, quite the opposite. :shake: She was an adorable cat that never liked staying out and would always want to come in after 20 mins, letting us know by sitting on the windowsills meowing loudly [oriental, the whole neighbourhood would know when she wanted in], so why she didnt last night we dont know, but 3 hours later.... well, anyway, I am of round to a few neighrbours houses in a bit to warn them as whilst we have heard urban foxes are taking cats 8 miles away in Camden, not heard anything like this before here in leafy north london.
you'll have to go and look :)

LL. Sorry to hear about your puddy tat :(
:eek:You were definately right then, really sorry to hear about your cat, that's just terrible.:crying:
Thanks guys, feeling a bit better now. I have let the cat owning neighbours know and done a bit of research. Foxes apparently rarely attack cats as they have too much to lose if they get injured but you can can get the odd 'rogue' animal that will and of course, the problem now is that he/she may strike again. Can't really blame the fox, its only following its natural predatory instincts, though of course, I wish it hadn't struck our cat - but it did, I can't change that, I just know we wont be getting another cat for a while. :(
Oh no :( :( :( How awfully sad :( I'm so sorry LL :(

Hugs chuck xx
Oh poor you LL. I have a 9 week old kitten, she is just a moggy but there are foxes living at the bottom of a neighbours garden and I'm worried sick about her when it'll be time to venture outside. The foxes stroll around at any time of the day as if they own the place
Thanks again. Funny thing is, I wouldnt let my daughters have guinea pigs when we moved here because of the foxes, never though one of my cats would be prey to one of them. I should mention that Lexi was a very small slightly built cat that reached 8 yrs old before this happened, and has always lived within the territory of urban foxes. Cats being attacked is less frequent due to their ability to fight back and wound, unlike smaller dogs and of course pets like rabbits. Our vet was non plussed, its the first attack he has heard of on a cat in the area too.