Gemma: The Box

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Did a shoot with Gemma in my band's practice room yesterday, there are these big blue panels on the wall, which I used to build a box - lit the whole thing with a security light gaffer taped to a mic stand, cut all the photos down to squares and played with different rotations to mix things up a bit. There's a whole set on my flickr, but this one is probably my personal fave.

Saw this on your flickr stream last night.

Very inventive, very pretty too I might add, but very creative. I think theyve worked out really well.
:agree: but I do think that the small enclosed space and pose do lend you to think that
you are a bit of a peeping tom :eek:
Some cracking shots in the collection on flickr :D Were you actually shooting from above? or is the box lying on the floor.....if you follow. Great idea :D and some great shots.
Thanks guys.

Jimmy, yeah the box is lying on the floor - the idea is that in at least some of the shots things look a certain way at first glance (we're looking from above) but when you look properly, you can see that gravity disagrees with that.

Oldgit, I hope you mean the royal you i.e. the viewer, and not me :) If so, yeah I know what you mean, there is something a bit voyeuristic about some of the shots in the set.
Just had a comment on Flickr that the shot isn't contrasty enough - this surprises me cause I usually get told I'm overdoing the contrast - how's it looking on people's monitors out there in the wide world? On my main machine (which I've done the adobe gamma setup thing on) it looks good, on my laptop, I'm inclined to agree it looks a little light.
