Glasgow trip (clyde)

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Hi David,I can see you are a fan of HDR :). Works in some of the shots maybe not quite so much in others but that's just my taste.But I think the busker shot is great,definitely the pick of the bunch for me.

Cheers Jack, yeh im new to hdr so im still messing about with it and gradually toning the effect down hehe
Few too many to comment individually.
My favourite is the shot of the tower alone.
Your PP is resulting in some pretty severe halo-ing in some of the images.
Agree with Gerry as far as the water marks go. Like the Clyde port one out of the set.
If you want to tone down the HDR effect to get more realism try exposure fusion rather than direct HDR.
Busker shot needs the cycle removing or crop it out and it would still work with the poster being in - I also like the alley shot, though it needs straightening.
Most of the others have some excessive HDR but not extremely so ... just ease back a bit and there's some great potential there (y)
Love the composition of the SECC bridge shot,some really nice shots but as said above looks like the software or method of HDR is killing your pics.

Keep up the good work(y)
Some great shots there! could live without the HDR but love the composition especially the busker, agree with Gramps about cropping out the bike.
Cheers all for comments. My internet is down so cant upload re-edits yet. Ive cropped the bike out and moved the poster down via pshop hehe abit naughty but looks better. Will upload soon
Hi again,

This is the edit i done, you think its better or you think i should just go with a squarer crop of original (to take bike away) ?
