"Good Hope" updated ...

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"Good Hope" moored, though more likely abandoned, at Skippool Creek in Lancashire.

edit : smeggy rope has been removed. Any better ?

Lordy, you'd need more than a little "hope" to go out in that.

Decent capture too. Tho I'd be tempted to clone out the smeggy orange rope
I like the angle of the shot and the processing you have used on this - really adds to the overall feel of neglect / decay.
I love the colours and comp but I agree about the orange rope.
Thanks for the comments, I see what you mean about the rope though. It didn't bother me until you mentioned it. I'll have a go at cloning it out tonight.


Nice shot, love the angle and it really works for me........ I think its crying out for B@W conversion..


Dave P.
Nice shot, love the angle and it really works for me........ I think its crying out for B@W conversion..


Dave P.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the comments. I started with a mono conversion, but reverted back to colour. Here it is anyway.

