Great Apes



Just a few more from my zoo visit.



they're more human than a lot of people I know, and I'm sure the second's an old teacher of mine ;)

Beautiful animals, lovely shots :)
Love that 2nd shot :LOL: They really do look so much like us....some more than others!
I came in here expecting to see some mug shots of Marcel and DF.

Instead I've found some lovely monkey shots, I really like the first one and the third one. I'm not sure about the 2nd one, something about his eyes is putting me off.

You've captured some great detail in the fur too :)

Well done.
Second for me, the 'empty space' adds to the image.
Cheers everyone.

I'm not sure about the 2nd one, something about his eyes is putting me off.

You're right and its annoying me now.I think I may have tried to lighten them a little and they look too flat.I should have remembered to clean it up more before posting.The first shots were taken through dirtyish glass so I am quite surprised they have turned out OK.

The baby chimp was a crazy little devil and hardly stayed still for a second.He kept running around hitting the older chimps.I love his hair though. :LOL: