Halloween Spooky Brat


TPer Emerita
Yvonne, pronounced Eve...
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"MUM! Make me look spooky" She said...so I got the camera out :D

hehe nice work! though I did go to school with some girls that would look like that every day!
:whistle: I just re-uploaded - kept looking at it wondering what was wrong, then realised it was the whites of the eyes being grey, so just lightened them a little.

Once again, thanks for the comments, really did it as a bit of fun for her, so quite pleased its liked ;)
she looks like britney spears does these days

Lovin that shot.(y)
Cool! (y)
I've no idea how you did it, but she looks positively luminous on my screen ....just fantastic!

Some trial and error processing really. Started off creating a subtle HDR of the original colour shot, [taken with flash against a dark wood background with her stood several feet infront to minimise shadows] using CS3 to make 3 images before usual photomatix edits. Then open it back up in CS3, and after several aborted attempts at different effects, I did a mono conversion using channel mixer, on its preset yellow filter, followed by some burning the edges of the background to darken and lose the detail the HDR had put in, and then a bit of dodging of her face/hair and that was it really. Took quite a long route to get there, deleting several unsuccessful layers and using step backwards alot, but take all that away and this was the result :LOL:

edit: oh, also cloned out a few of the usual teenage facial 'imperfections' ;)
I like that LL.. and thanks for ther tut.. i like the whispy - moody look to the hair, iv often seen the effect on other images but didnt know how to do it! im gonna have a play.. (y)