Have I got the settings right ??

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I've been messing around with the setting on my D40 because I wasn't happy with the shots that I was getting, I've been adjusting them for about an hour now, this is where i'm at now, a slight crop and thats it, is it about right the sharpness/colour ???
C&C welcome
edited thought I should post comparison shot,
old settings as suggested here http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/d40/users-guide/index.htm

new settings
looks like the focus is on the front leg rather than the eye
No, it looks good to me colour-wise, though it looks like you might be focussing on the birds wing (centre) and not the eye, which is more common and looks more desirable, also you might want to think about increasing the depth of field (using a higher f/number) But then you need longer shutter speeds or higher ISO which = a tripod.


yep your right, but the reason I'm asking is that before I changed the settings I thought all my photos looked soft and the colour looked to bright.
yep your right, but the reason I'm asking is that before I changed the settings I thought all my photos looked soft and the colour looked to bright.

I guess it all depends on which settings you changed...

Also i find that if there is something wrong with one of my pictures i change only one thing at a time, and by taking a pic after each adjustment, i can work out what or why the picture hasn't come out as well.

I think the 2 most common reasons pics are soft, are:
1. Camera shake
2. Shutter speed to slow for lens length

i'm far from being an expert, but from what i have discovered these are the 2 factors that affect my pictures.



ps mmcp42, oui, c'est toi!
I'd say your on the right track, colour and contrast are good, could take a bit more sharpening though. now you got to work on getting the eyes in focus.
The settings that I changed where in the end only two they where in the in the shooting menu-optimize image-custom, image sharpening in now +2 high and colour mode is now Ia instead of IIIa. As for the eye focusing, well I'd been messing about for an hour changing the settings and then waiting for a bird to come along ( it noticed more on birds than anything else) that I must admit I was getting a bit sloppy with where I was aiming :LOL:
Fair enough, I usually forget to aim for the eye. I see the shot and panic takes over, then the bird flies away.
just had a thought
are you shooting raw or jpeg?

might be easier in raw and do the fixing-upping in PS
I shoot in RAW, but I find it very easy to over do things in PS so i thought that the camera might do a more consistent job