Healey Nab hazy Morning

Guess you guys don't like it then you can be brutal I don't mind I can take it LOL it di look hazy when I took it but my UV filter must have taken it out

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I`m new here so i hope you don`t mind me commenting. There are some good things and some not so good, first I would surgest (if you don`t have some already) to purchase some ND Grad filters, these will help with exposing the sky and the forground correctly, the idea being that they have a 'darker' section which lets in less light, so the areas of the picture that will be brighter than others....ie the sky, are better exposed. Secondly there doesn`t appear to be any focal point, nothing that is the subject of the photo. That said I really like the way that the path leads the eye in, that can be used for great effect.....if you can remember it. And the foreground is sharp, a smaller aperture next time will give more depth of field though.

Well there you go.

Keep at it

Mark :)
Hi Mark

Of course I don't mind constructive crit such as yours, I don't have any ND grads yet but their on my list, as for the focal point it was supposed to be the way the path leads to the trees on the right, but it didn't really work although the path leads up the trees in question aren't sharp will go back and try again and give your suggestions a go, thanks for your input (y)

PS If anyone has 58mm ND Grads Filters they don't need I'll give them a good home LOL

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