Hello all!

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Hey guys. I'm a lapsed amateur wildlife photography enthusiast hoping to get back in the game soon, having been inspired after moving to Wales (and opening up time for a hobby again). Then I started reading up about photography after my long break from the scene and discovered that it's all mirrorless now. So, well, there's a lot to relearn!

My old wildlife kit was a Nikon D600 with the 300mm f4D (the one before the PF lens) and 1.4x TC. It's... seen better days, my fault for not doing proper upkeep after I fell out of the hobby. I think I'll just buy new into a mirrorless system once I've done my reading and figured out what I want.

Anyway, thanks for having me! Hope to learn lots and eventually contribute back.
Hi and welcome to TP

As you will find lots to read, learn, share & discuss.

There is a good search function as a starting point for any questions that you might have.

Enjoy yourself here, a friendly place.
Welcome to the forum, enjoy your new found hobby ;)
Hi, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy"