Scotland Hello from Edinburgh

Stephen Law
Edit My Images
Hello all
After a long break from using my very long in the tooth Canon 350D, I'm wanting to start my hobby and hopefully capture some baby pics ;)
Now the fun part, asking questions from the experts on what to buy, so I get what I need and not get carried away.
Good morning Steve, Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your stay here. Everyone seems friendly so far (maybe I just don't visit the wrong parts of the forum).
Hi Steve :welcome: to the forum
Hi Steve, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums."Enjoy".
Hi Steve and a warm welcome to TP.
Hope you enjoy yourself here :)
Hello and welcome from another 350D owner. The biggest improvement I made was buying a shoulder strap and ditching the stupid neck strap. It makes your camera so much more accessible without getting in the way.

Next is making sure you can play your pictures back preferably on your TV as that will encourage you to take more and maybe get to see some great pictures. This is my one great regret as I stopped as I did not realise I was missing my kids growing up. Then I got a NAS followed by a streamer and I so miss those years I should have kept on kicking.
Thanks for the advice Colin, I've just bought myself a shoulder strap and it is a lot better than having a camera around the neck :ty:
Great to hear, enjoy.
Hi Colin. Welcome to TP. Ask away, but the only things you need to take photographs are a working camera, lens and memory card (assuming we're talking about digital). The 350D is old now, but it's still perfectly capable of producing good results. If I were you, I'd use it until I felt that it was holding me back, then start thinking about replacing it. You don't say what lens you have, but upgrading lenses usually improves image quality right away. Upgrading bodies, not so much.