help editing.

Edit My Images
i dont know if this is the right place. hopefully it will be moved if needed.
so i took this photo of a friend from workington skating, although its came out okay. there is a bit of noise. and i want to bring out the sky.
but im a noob to photoshop. so i would be really pleased. if some peope could give some hints on what they would do. and how.
or give it ago on my photo pwetty pweeasseee:)

If you go to the 'Filters' menu along the top, then 'Noise', the 'Reduce Noise', you can have a play about with the settings to see what works best.

Noise reduction on a RAW file will be much more effective, this low res Jpegs don't work too well.

This is off the top of my head so maybe later I can give you some more in depth info (y)
A very quick play in GIMP... Selected the sky with the wand select tool, and used the curve tool, just liting the middle a bit. I don't have any noise reduction software in this machine, but something like Noise Ninja or Noiseware will do the job.