
Edit My Images
Hi just asking for advice on this. I don't have the attention span and patience to read an article I don't really want to read.

I know that If the graph leans more to the left It's underexposed and If It's too much towards the right over or blown out maybe.

I know you can;t get a perfect histogram either.

What I'm asking Is how can you know If you've added stuff like too much highlights I think?

At the moment I just look for a balanced enough hill.

Benneh mentioned something like a hill but I keep forgetting what he told me and I didn't save the IRC convo, so I could remind myself again.:bang::bang:

Lately I'm worried that I won't compose my photos good enough and I don't seem to notice things others do I so I might be relying on the Histogram too much maybe.
Every histogram will be different as you say and it's very difficult to advise but remember that if the histogram touches the right or left then those pixels are pure white/black with no detail. In some cases this is acceptable (like a white/black studio background) or perhaps a blown sky so that you can expose the subject properly...... you just need to practice and don't rely on looking at the image on the screen. Use the histogram as best you can and understand what the info is you are being provided with.