How often should you use a AF lens

Neil Williams
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I have a Nikon 600mm F4 (Latest model) that has been sat in my wardrobe for close to 6 months now as whenever I go out shooting birds I’m using my new Z800mm f6.3 PF.
Do I need to take it out and get the AF motors moving or is it okay to sit idle indefinitely?
From an engineering view, if stored correctly it should be fine ;)

But in rare cases ....

If there is a chance of less than ideal atmosphere, corrosion on metal/eletrical parts may happen, greases may harden.
Fungus and mould on the glass/inner areas is another possiblity.

Using it once in a while to check and inspect the glass is probably a good idea.
Anything mechanical likes to be used rather than left sitting idle, waiting for it's lubricants to set.
I just coupled it to my Z9. (Unbelievably heavy, like in your face heavy)
I used the AF and all was good. I’ve set a reminder to do that every 3 months.
I’m going to shoot Hornbills in Southern Thailand in April next year so plan to take both the 600 and the 800mm for that trip then I’ll probably sell the 600