How to change background please.

Edit My Images
Is there an easy way to lift the main subject off the page to place on a different backdrop.

Or just remove and replace the backdrop.

In the example below the tractor has no impact against the current background.

I've got CS2, Capture NX and Elements 5 but am unskilled beyond ability to do Adjustments so you would have to spell out step by step what to do.

you can change the colour in elements by going to enhance, adjust colour, replace colour - experiement see what u can come up with, good luck
Use the magic wand tool in CS2, this took about 30 seconds, not too tidy but you get the drift :) Could be tidied up a lot with a bit more care using the lasso tool.


I am in the early stages of learning PS too but I have come up with this in 2 minutes :-


I used the magic wand in PS and selected the background, I had to keep changing the tolerance in the top menu bar so the magic wand only selected the background. Once I was happy that only the backgroung was selcted I just hit delete on the keyboard which removed most of the background. You might have to zoom in and just tidy up a few edges with the eraser.

Create a new layer and apply the background you want to use on the new layer. Go back the the digger in this case and select the whole image and go to Edit > Copy or hit CTRL + C, Then select the layer with the backgroung and go to Edit > Paste or hit CTRL + V. You can move the digger around with the move tool so once you are happy with it's position go to Layer > Flatten Image and you are done.

I am pretty sure people on here with more experience will have a better and easier way but I notice you had no replies so I thought I would tell you how I would do it the way I would.

I am interested to know an easier way if anybody can suggest anything.