How to remove a reflection

Gerald Davies
Edit My Images
I quite like this photo, but would prefer it without the reflection being so bright.


Can I remove/reduce this reflection in photoshop? If so how? Tried using the very methods, which include levels, highlight/shadow and contrast. None of these seem to give me the result I'm looking for without darking the leaves/rotating water to much.

I would try cloning but with my level of ability I would properly make a right mess of it.

Also this photo was taken using a polarizer. If I had use a ND filter would this have reduced the reflection?

Try selecting the bottom part of the image and lowering the highlights in just that section...??
I had a little play in CS2 and did this:
duplicate layer>curves(to reduce brightness/contrast to a suitable level)>apply layer mask to copy layer>fill layer mask with black>use white soft edged brush, @50% opacity, on layer mask over the white areas in the foreground.
Hope this helps, ben:)
I really like the shot with the reflection in it, but I had a play anyway:

All I did was use the burn tool in Photoshop and used a big brush size to darken the whole area of refection first, then a smaller brush to darken the actual white bits. It does make the lovely swirl a fair bit darker though :(
Hi Jimmy Lemmon thanks for your attempt and advise. What you have ended up with is as far as I got.

Ben g your method show a bit more promise. I'll give this ago tomorrow.

Cheers all for comments advice. (y)
not sure how to upload what i just tried.. but as a little training excercise for myself i took your image, used a magnetic lasoo to select the water, i happened to not select the rock sticking up to the left, not sure if it matters.
i then used image>adjustments>curves and tweaked things to kill the brightness of the reflection using RGB.
then repeated the process for BLUE only, tweaking slightly till the reflection died a little further..
the swirling leaves seemed to stay pretty true to the original

i long to get a silky waterfall like that, what exposure settings did you have?