How to take a GOOD self portrait?


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Tips, Help and Ideas .. please lol :( Im struggling majorly!
Post an example?

I've just started doing self portraits in the absence of anyone else to shoot. My main problem is feeling stupid so I'm never smiling in any shots as my smiles look falser than Gordon Brown's :LOL:

I use a wireless trigger on the camera.
ive just ordered a cable release but i think the 50mm distance isnt helping!
ive just done one tonight,

set up was on a tripod with the RF602 triggering, set on a 2 sec delay, in my left pocket (right in pic) you can see the trigger.

Remy by 33L, on Flickr
Ive just done my first self portrait, I used my off camera flash, an old SB-28 speedlite into a cheap 24in Ebay Softbox, nothing spectacular, I used an ML-L3 remote shutter release on my D80, I wanted it to be a bit dark with lots of shadow hence the single softbox with a black background

No amount of Photoshop can make me any better looking though, still look rough as **** :)

i love the black background look .. id like to try that! just need to get somethign to trigger my flashes!
Danny, the RF602s seems as good as anything and quite cheap as well, a lot seem to use them, I use Elinchrom Skyports simply beause I managed to find a set very cheaply, just looking now for an extra receiver so I can trigger more than one of my speedlites, the setup for my self portrait was really simple and was the first time I had ever attempted it
I was hoping to hold out for a 580 exii for wireless master .. Im skint after all this buying so can't even afford 602s!!! The 580 will be a present I hope lol :p
£20 quicd can get you a 3m ttl cord of flea bay. thats what i use.
Ive just done my first self portrait, I used my off camera flash, an old SB-28 speedlite into a cheap 24in Ebay Softbox, nothing spectacular, I used an ML-L3 remote shutter release on my D80, I wanted it to be a bit dark with lots of shadow hence the single softbox with a black background

No amount of Photoshop can make me any better looking though, still look rough as **** :)

This is a really good shot mate- can I ask how you metered?
Not looking like the arse end of a bus is a good start, hence why mine always have 'epic fail' written all over them!


er i tried and its crap lol


And it's not crap. Very striking picture!
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My Tip would be don't consume a large quantity of Jack Daniels, That's how I ended up with my Avatar. (2 in the morning, bored and nothing else to shoot!)
Lighting plays the largest part imo. You can use a self-timer or even hold the camera at arms length if you have this sorted. As it happens I took some arms length ones only last week! I think they turned out ok - others may disagree ;-)
I shot a charity calendar last year the only problem was i also had to be in it. My shot was the simplest of the calendar to make it easier but i just focused on the distance and held a remote on my hand to fire. only took 3 exposures as i am not as vain as the other guys in the calendar.

Self shots = v hard.

Get a item and place where you will stand, go focus the camera on it, and turn off AF, obv use a tripod too, not take shots to get the settings like WB right etc, then remvoe object and use timer/wireless remote to shoot yourself.

I'd like some shots of me, have tried before but it is hard as you jsut don;'t have much flexibility.

If you want topless ones like Andy then you need much better light control to get the shaddows on your bodys muscle lines, and no offence but less bodyfat & hair,oh and photohop :)

I think you need to tell us the type of shot you want.
I shot a charity calendar last year the only problem was i also had to be in it. My shot was the simplest of the calendar to make it easier but i just focused on the distance and held a remote on my hand to fire. only took 3 exposures as i am not as vain as the other guys in the calendar.


Ohhh i say...Like this forum :LOL: