I don't shoot sports but....


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when your other half gets you a VIP press pass for a world class wrestling event in Manchester you don't turn it down!

I freely admit, I know nothing about wrestling, I don't know the people or what they do but in the spirit of "heck, I shoot people let's give it a go" I went. :D







It was certainly different from my usual stuff, stuck the 5D and 1Ds on JPEG, one on spot metering with a 70-200mm f2.8 and the other on eval with a 24-70mm f2.8 and went shootin'

Certainly very different from a genteel wedding but fun all the same, the crowd were pretty good too, I only got one elbow in the face which I duly returned with a good dig in the ribs! With a 1Ds, I bet he felt it!

Got home a tad late after a very, very long day, shooting in Bristol till 2pm and back up to Manchester for the evening event. I finally fell into bed at 1.30 this morning after getting the shots off to the news agency.

Easy life this toggin lark! (Not!):wacky:
Great set, helped by the fact that you have not focused on the action but on the cult of personality that makes Wrestling as popular as it is. I get the impression that there is more than a hint of the wedding tog in these images rather than the impact obsessed sports pro, and for that I love them :D
Thanks, you are probably right too. I did try to shoot some impact stuff, when I wasn't wincing! but I do like working with light and the lighting guys at the MEN are great. I wish I could take them to weddings, would make my life a lot easier! :)
Sorry, but I resized them all to 500 and put them on flickr. I always find if I resize to the maximum allowed here I get the pics rejected as too large so I always err on the side of caution resizing them.
No.4 is just absolutely stunning, bang on the money there!. :clap:

I've seen people who thought that the sun shone out of their backsides before but this guy seems to be close and what a cigar. :eek:;)

(wonders off wondering what a harry potter spell for that would read like.....)
lol. It's not quite perfect because there is more light at his "front" than at his "rear" :)

I actually waited for him to lean into the light and this was as far as he went. At least I'm content knowing that I didn't miss the shot!

Shooting head on into a spotlight certainly sharpens the old brain as well as frying the eyeballs! (No I didn't really try it lol he obscured just enough of the light to get that shot)

I'm happy with them for a first go at it and at the end of the day it's all good experience. Anything that gets me shooting is good :)
It's not quite perfect because there is more light at his "front" than at his "rear"

That's just why I like it, half and half would have given you more of silhouette rather than a starburst of his..... urrrmm...... Yeah, off his urrrmm will do. :D
It appears that The Undertaker is the chap with the biggest urrrmm in wrestling. They have stats on everything these people. A starburst off him should have looked like a small nuclear explosion..........apparently. :)
Good work and a fine example of a photographer using the light (something I often talk to people about) to create the shot before they take it which makes irony of your statement in talk chat about patience and composition etc.

Good work.

You should have said you were in Bristol - could have bought you a coffee!!!
It appears that The Undertaker is the chap with the biggest urrrmm in wrestling.

He has the longest Wrestlemania winning streak (16 matches over 17 years)

As a wrestling tog, I'm jealous, would have loved to have gone and had the chance to do that.

you did an awesome job, caught the light perfectly on Nick Aldis (looks like Nick on 4 anyway) on both 1 and 4, only niggle is the cross body block on 5 would have looked a bit better in portrait, but still, really good :clap:
If I had any idea what the heck a cross body block was I might agree with you Verb! :shrug: lol.

I did get a few decent action shots of them flinging themselves about, the ones where they do over the head throws are quite spectacular! And the jumping off the top rope (see I'm getting all technical now) looks great. :D
The sad thing is that I would not even know that!

I've not watched Gladiators since the original series and that was a long time ago. :)