I should have ducked !!!!

Steve France
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I was at the Hawk Conservancy during a flying display and was so engrossed with taking photographs that I forgot the 'safety' briefing that I should 'duck' if a bird looked like it was going to hit me.
Luckily it just brushed my hair on its way past ..............

Crested Caracara - Nikon D500 with Sigma 70-200 2.8 Sport Lens - 1/1250 f8 ISO 250

29-04-2023 Crested Caracara.jpg
I was at one of these recently and the birds do get very close for comfort!!
That's unusual :D He looks as if he knows he's cutting things a bit close too :D

Well taken Steve :D
The bird's expression says it all; 'Oh sh*t, I don't think he's going to duck'. :eek:

Great catch . . .