Im after some advice - it is quite important (to me) and some other people

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Before you think oh here we go another UFO nut, Im not, in fact, I am out to clarify some information up for a guy who has a large following on a youtube channel.

First, here is his channel:

Mr Crow777 has many videos of objects flying in front of the moon. You cannot tell what they are, because his focus is on the moon and not on the object in question.

Current satellite mapping doesn't highlight what these are (most likely defense satellite/spy satellites i would assume) but Im trying to explain to him, that going to a bigger megapixel camera isn't going to solve his issue (he is getting money from supporters...) what I am telling him, is that he needs to focus on the object itself - unfortunately, you cant predict when these objects are going to pass in front of the moon because they're not listed, hence they are either what I have just said they are, which is defence satellites/spy satellites - or even what he believes they are, which are U.F.O.s (not necessarily alien, but unidentified).

So - crazy stuff out of the way and with so many great astrophotographers on here, would someone kindly do an experiment for me?

I know you are quite happy leaving up your equipment for many hours on end taking thousands of short/long exposures to build up the fantastic images that you produce, but I was wondering if you could humour me by pointing your equipment at the moon, recording it over a couple of nights and then seeing if you can spot any weird objects.

According to Mr.Crow777, he gets a line that shimmers up the screen over the moon (he has many videos on his channel), declaring it is some holographic :muted: :muted: object in the sky. I'd like to disprove that by saying its his equipment, but explaining in such a way, he can understand it - and so can his supporters. We're talking tends of thousands of supporters, none of which have a clue about photography and like me, even more do not have a clue about astrophotography. I bet there are users here, who watch Crow777's videos but maybe are a little scared to post up what I am, because they dont want to be seen as a nut. Im not scared, Im just out to find out the truth, put an end to some conspiracy theory about a holographic moon (they think its hiding things on the moons surface...)

If you are able to find black spots that fly across the moons surface, and record it as video and/or if possible zoom in close enough to be able to identify its outline/shape that would be amazing.

Those of you who do know me, know Im not some UFO nut (although I'd be pretty arrogant to think we're the only species in the whole universe so I do believe in other lifeforms, whether or not they are here is a different subject),but I would like to be able to physically show him that there are people <always> watching space/always watching the stars and the items he sees are easily explained away with either a technical issue (in the case of the shimmering) or the black dots are indeed satellites, but are not listed because (1) they're dead debris or (2) defence/spy satellites.

I would really appreciate someone who can help here.

I'll wet my pants if you turn around and say theres nothing wrong with his equipment and that shimmering <should not> be happening and you record it also - its not a technical issue with your equipment and I'll brown pants myself if you say the objects flying past the moon are not debris or satellites.

Please humour me :)
He's getting hundreds of thousands of views and probably a lot of revenue from Youtube. He's probably not going to listen to you, even if he realises that what you say is true. For some people, it is just a business.
He's getting hundreds of thousands of views and probably a lot of revenue from Youtube. He's probably not going to listen to you, even if he realises that what you say is true. For some people, it is just a business.
Couldn't agree more. He is making money out of it and will not listen to you. He may even be sincere but most of them are charlatans.
Just looked at some of the videos, are people seriously this dumb? Take the "subtle lunar wave" video, do they not realise that it's a fricking thermal, chances Are it's also just a short distance away from the recording equipment, anyone with live view and a telescope will see this effect, the same goes for atmospheric distortion when looking at the moon and how it hazes around the corona. Bunch of morons to be honest, I wouldn't even bother proving a point as they won't listen.
I can mention the thermal, try and discredit him, maybe a few hundred might listen and do some investigation themselves, but you're probably right - theres no way of getting around people who are well into believing what he's putting. Just winds me up when people do things like this.

Thanks for an explanation, I'll go look it up as well for other source so visitors can see it, post it up and leave it as is, let others decide for themselves. Just need a snowball to roll ;)
As you say yourself, most people following will be well into it themselves. Some people just want to believe, and no amount of facts/figures/truth/debunking will persuade them otherwise. I'd just leave them to it, they'd probably just view you as another deluded fool for believing what 'the man' tells you anyway.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
but we all know that there is something "out there" - don't we?
but we all know that there is something "out there" - don't we?

Lol. I'm open to the possibility, and interested in things which genuinely cannot be explained, but some people take it way too far....
He also has a video up of a square object supposedly inspecting a chem trail. From what I can clearly see, it's a Mylar child's balloon floating in the turbulence around a cloud!!!!
How naive of the Human race as a whole to imagine that we are the only sentient life form in the entire universe, What a complete and utter waste of space if we are :ty:

Maybe, but in the same way I believe an ant in Australia has virtually no chance of ever walking across the world and meeting an ant in Norway, I doubt any life form 100s or 1000s of light years away will ever manage to voyage over those huge distances and be the object of the photos that are always out of focus and grainy.

Did Christopher Columbus do sail bys of the American coast for 50 years when he arrived on his voyage of exploration or did he land and meet the inhabitants?

If there was a race so advanced that they had somehow transcended the rules of science and nature and had perfected faster than light travel why would they be so shy as to just be indistinct blurs in a photo and not land and explore?
Ok, I've seen enough of the videos now to make a scientific verdict. The guy is an absolute douche bag - he's preying on the naive to donate so he can buy more kit that he actually has job clue about using. The telescope shop that sold him the gear must laugh so much when he turns up, when he starts talking about his equipment upgrade I just cringed, buying a 65 inch monitor to watch a celestial object is a bit of a stupid thing to do considering the output res of his camera is no higher than 1080 - he also goes on to talk about his DLP chip? Call me stupid but was he talking about a DLP projector or what? He also does not understands the laws of physics that slower celestial objects move slower because they are at a greater distance than telecom satellites. I'm no expert but I own some pretty expensive telescopes and camera equipment to know the difference between a fricking carrier bag flying in a cloud and a UFO with an unpredicted "controlled" flight path. God knows what he's like at an RC event, those planes must be aliens because they're above the clouds and move in a strange way.