Critique In a Rut

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Hi everyone I recently posted here, asking about lenses because I was thinking of going full frame, because I feel that my images have not got that "look" that you get with full frame, it was suggested that i submit some images for critique, to maybe improve my images with the kit that i have. I currently have a Canon 600D, Sigma 10-20mm and Sigma 18-250mm, here's my first image for comment
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Hi everyone I recently posted here, asking about lenses because I was thinking of going full frame, because I feel that my images have not got that "look" that you get with full frame, it was suggested that i submit some images for critique, to maybe improve my images with the kit that i have. I currently have a Canon 600D, Sigma 10-20mm and Sigma 18-250mm, here's my first image for comment

What "look" do you think full frame will give you?

I think you're grasping at straws here if I'm honest. If you think upgrading to full frame will make your images "look" different you're deluded.
I don't think full frame will make a difference with this type of image/subject aside from the megapixel count for printing.
I can't imagine full frame making the slightest visible difference to those images. What difference do you think it would make?
Maybe what the OP means is would a FF capture more detail?

Have a look at this thread, interesting comparison
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dungeness.. familiar location

first doesnt work due to being direct on and centre of frame. if you had pulled back a little and showed a little more background on the right side it would sit better.
second is nicely composed, with the boats shadow and the background boat and hut too.
however both are extremely over processed and overcooked. ( did you bracket 3 shots then merge them in photomatix ?)
they look like they have been tonemapped to the extreme.
the pebbles are orange and the sky a blue to make your eyes bleed.
you ask about about "that look" you get with full frame but until you get beyond the HDR stage things wont look any better ( and yes ive been there myself and went through the whole HDR looks great even when you need sunglasses to look at them.
and i use the term HDR very loosely as its not HDR, its as said above tonemapping ( though the two get heavily used in the same context they are quite different )
this rather humours article is worth a read. judging by your images i put you at around level 5 at the moment

so i would suggest stick with the camera your at, and work on shooting single shots or if you want to do multi shot bracketed then to consider a much more toned down approach to try to keep things as natural as possible.
FF will never improve the look you want judging by your current images simply as the problem lies in the processing after the shot .
I don't think full frame will make a difference with this type of image/subject aside from the megapixel count for printing.

Full frame doesn't mean more pixels. A Nikon D4 is only 16mp, whereas a Nokia Lumia 1020 phone is 41mp.

Besides... all that over processing has probably ruined the quality for printing any way. Even at these tiny sizes I can see the noise and halo artefacts.

first doesnt work due to being direct on and centre of frame.

I think that works excellently actually.

What's ruining these is too much processing. They're processed to death and they look awful.

Full frame will do nothing for the OP.
Thanks for the advice, i am going to take all comments on board and concentrate on my processing, then I will be back for more critique. Thanks.
Thanks for the advice, i am going to take all comments on board and concentrate on my processing, then I will be back for more critique. Thanks.

No.. concentrate on your PHOTOGRAPHY!
Its better but a little underexposed. As above, concentrate on the composition and getting pleasing natural exposures rather than blasting away with the processing, then use processing to compliment the photo, not take it over.

As for the kit side of things, you havent really given your 600d much of a chance lens wide. The UWA is fine if a little limiting but your superzoom will never get the best out of your 600d. Think about buying some primes, maybe a 2nd hand 35mm f/2 (mk1 for cost) or one of the excellent new 50mm f/1.8 STM.
new one just needs a little lift as the light looks a bit flat and dull, maybe 1/2 to 1 stop exposure and maybe a tine bit of colour lift on the boat and pebbles. the sky is fine but the bottom half looks a little washed out and doesnt match it.